A bucket full of cuteness

So now we have "Mama Mia" our Australian Sheppard. The best dog ever made. Nope, your wrong! I have the best dog ever;-P Then there's "Naughty Nelly" her 9 week old puppy. She's CUTE with a capital "C". And our kitties Sosha and Genvieve "Genny".
So there you have it, a bucket full of cuteness and a truck load of poop;-)
But in my defense I was just fresh over being sick with a nasty flu bug (as where 7 of the 9 of us in this house) and may possibly still have been delirious;-)
Funny thing a few of the kids said to me "I didn't realize how much I missed having a cat around until now."And Kevin is always happy when there's a cat around, lol.
So life is good and as loud and busy as ever.