Being in to moment

See this picture? This is my 4 year old making a dirt angel. This is what the moment called him to do and it was perfect. I laughed at the silliness of it at first but now that I've had some time to reflect upon it it brings up some surprising things for me.
Why don't I do more of that? No not dirt angels;-P but allowing myself to be swept away in the moment. This next week I am opening myself up to esty and seeing what comes of it, take some time to think on the many insightful this from Jen Lemen, focus on my visionary mom list, do my flylady missions , but most importantly... be in the moment! Let the creative energy flow through me and enjoy where it leads me.
I've stated my intentions, I'm committing to them, now lets see what the universe has in store for me:-D
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