This weeks intentions...
My goals this week are the same as last week... and that's OK.
-Keep the flylady routines going.
-Make at least two sweaters by Saturday for my etsy shop. I fixed my serger... had to call in re-enforcements though. My mom came and saved the day, AGAIN! Oh right, and again and again! It's been a week of learning for me. Breath in... breath out... relax. That was my mantra last week. I think I could probably build my own serger if I needed to now. Probably even out of tooth picks! AND IT WOULD ROCK, I TELL YOU! Oh wait, sorry, breath in... breath out... relax. Ahhhhhhh, sorry about that. Must still have some residual frustration ;-P
-Surround myself with inspiring words. To help keep the flow going.
-My treat to myself (after I have finished the 2 sweaters) is continue painting my dream board.
-And most of all I need to remember... I am exactly where I'm suppose to be, in a place of "concentrated effort".

And yes that is a Storm Trooper laser gun. It's on lone to me by my 4 year old. Because I have heard from very reliable resources that the rebel alliance is gathering troops and could attack at any moment. It pays to be prepared people, safety first.
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