Graditude Journal #1

I am thankful for my new runners that help me run more safely and more comfortably.
I am thankful for my new sports bra. It rocks!
I am thankful for my new running pants and socks. They help me feel like a real runner;-)
And when I put on My Blue MEC jacket, my thin grey shirt, my new sports bra, my new running pants, new running socks, and my new runners, it's like putting on a uniform. It makes me feel more serious. I like it. It's a great motivator when you feel like you you great:-) And for that I am VERY thankful.
I am thankful for for helping take this new adventure one bite size piece at a time.
I am thankful for for teaching me these health changes can be easy, simple steps on at a time. one meal at a time.
I am thankful for my amazing husband who "unknowingly" encouraged me to "just do it".
I am thankful for Jen Lemen and the inspiring way she lives her life.
I am thankful for being inspired to "do something hard every now and then".
I am thankful for my brother Patrick for being a great example... by simple being himself.
I am thankful for my beautiful little children for cheering my on like I'm a super hero. I love you guys:-)
These are just some of the things I am thankful for this evening.